And in pursuit of this “common good,” a Democratic Party version of the old Democrat-Republican Party needs to nominate Democrat Joe Biden for president and Republicans Liz Cheney for VP to run as the upcoming Democratic Party ticket:
Our nation stands on the same kind of brink of disaster that Germany did in the wake of 1933 and Hitler coming to crushing dictatorial power with less than 33% support of the German people. True, there are differences between a parliamentary form of government and our tri-branch federal system; however the Electoral College tilts the risk too far into the pit of unbelievable disaster. Faced with this it is time to get back to government based upon disagreement over the best way to make needed progress – the major divisions division between Democrats and Republicans in post Civil-War Americas (leaving out lingering slave related bigotry in the Solid South), in safe pursuit of this.
I recommend that Biden choose Liz Cheney to be his VP running mate and assure the current VP a packing-appointment to the Supreme Court or the position of Attorney General. The above posted by a Liberal-Progressive Democrats as far to the left as anyone has ever staggered.
THE COMMON GOOD, a book by Robert Reich is a book for and about the American people. It is “We the people” who must do the WORK NEEDED and TO VOTE for CHANGES in our American society. WE
can’t use every idea presented, but we must get on the ball and start rolling TOGETHER. Read this book for your own education.
It’s most unfortunate that those with MONEY seem to win their ways because of it and most often CONTROL the monies
of the people. CONTROL doesn’t always equal FAIRNESS, or JUSTICE. We all need
To get any possible thing to the point of perfection is, for all intent and purpose, impossible! The facts are really what works relatively well at any point in time., especially when State government sits on billions of dollars while cutting the guts out of programs that struggle to do what they can, something is wrong! Not accepting funding for programs for summer food for kids, is simply wrong, when they have no plans to do anything to replace it with anything. If anything in a state that suggests we grow food here for the nation, there is no reason anyone should go hungry here if that is true. Those like Ralph do what they can, but they need support from us, they need us to move people out of the way that make their lives difficult and getting the job done. Put some thought into who you vote for, it really is important!
Thank you Ralph: I will add every government effort to conserve soil and protect water; the police and fire and defense systems (even though many are bloated and mis-directed), the systems which tax our income and property. We love to hate the last several mentioned, but would have no nation or state without them. Perhaps many citizens are really closet nihilists who want government to protect them at no cost? I am at a loss to know where the de-funding of public education or environmental protection or even the I.R.S. Is supposed to lead….Perhaps to little fiefdoms, militias, warlords….Look at Afghanistan for example.
And in pursuit of this “common good,” a Democratic Party version of the old Democrat-Republican Party needs to nominate Democrat Joe Biden for president and Republicans Liz Cheney for VP to run as the upcoming Democratic Party ticket:
Our nation stands on the same kind of brink of disaster that Germany did in the wake of 1933 and Hitler coming to crushing dictatorial power with less than 33% support of the German people. True, there are differences between a parliamentary form of government and our tri-branch federal system; however the Electoral College tilts the risk too far into the pit of unbelievable disaster. Faced with this it is time to get back to government based upon disagreement over the best way to make needed progress – the major divisions division between Democrats and Republicans in post Civil-War Americas (leaving out lingering slave related bigotry in the Solid South), in safe pursuit of this.
I recommend that Biden choose Liz Cheney to be his VP running mate and assure the current VP a packing-appointment to the Supreme Court or the position of Attorney General. The above posted by a Liberal-Progressive Democrats as far to the left as anyone has ever staggered.
thoughtful letter to provoke and lead us to improve our country for ALL Americans.
THE COMMON GOOD, a book by Robert Reich is a book for and about the American people. It is “We the people” who must do the WORK NEEDED and TO VOTE for CHANGES in our American society. WE
can’t use every idea presented, but we must get on the ball and start rolling TOGETHER. Read this book for your own education.
It’s most unfortunate that those with MONEY seem to win their ways because of it and most often CONTROL the monies
of the people. CONTROL doesn’t always equal FAIRNESS, or JUSTICE. We all need
a better sense of fairness and “justice
Thanks Ralph for your
Excellent column Ralph. I have a half-baked social security piece this inspires me to get back to. Thanks.
To get any possible thing to the point of perfection is, for all intent and purpose, impossible! The facts are really what works relatively well at any point in time., especially when State government sits on billions of dollars while cutting the guts out of programs that struggle to do what they can, something is wrong! Not accepting funding for programs for summer food for kids, is simply wrong, when they have no plans to do anything to replace it with anything. If anything in a state that suggests we grow food here for the nation, there is no reason anyone should go hungry here if that is true. Those like Ralph do what they can, but they need support from us, they need us to move people out of the way that make their lives difficult and getting the job done. Put some thought into who you vote for, it really is important!
I like this letter very much.
So do I!
Thank you Ralph: I will add every government effort to conserve soil and protect water; the police and fire and defense systems (even though many are bloated and mis-directed), the systems which tax our income and property. We love to hate the last several mentioned, but would have no nation or state without them. Perhaps many citizens are really closet nihilists who want government to protect them at no cost? I am at a loss to know where the de-funding of public education or environmental protection or even the I.R.S. Is supposed to lead….Perhaps to little fiefdoms, militias, warlords….Look at Afghanistan for example.
Yes, yes. Let’s find common ground!
Thanks for this contribution, Ralph! And thanks for all you do.